There’s a discomforting vibe in the air this election season. It’s less about who might get elected, and more about what various factions of the population might do before, during, and immediately after the election.
“Elections have consequences.” – President Obama
For the last several years, we’ve all been witness to a gradual escalation. With increasing frequency, we’re seeing people show up to politically charged events like protests and polling locations bedecked in plate carriers, chest rigs, rifles, homemade ballistic shields, clubs, etc. And it’s not limited to one political ideology — we’re seeing radical left- AND right-wing versions of this. The rise in civil unrest has highlighted the necessity for vigilance.
Regardless of the politics of it all, if you think they’re wrong or right, here’s a perfect example. Here are armed individuals watching ballot drop off boxes in the Arizona 2022 midterms. Regardless of why they’re there, it doesn’t inspire confidence. (Photo Credit: Maricopa County Elections Department)
While I would love to laugh these sorts of appearances off as “morons LARPing as commandos,” the events that unfolded in multiple cities across the USA over the last few years are proof that there is undoubtedly a willingness among at least some of these folks to cross the line into vandalism and violence.
Caption: Civil unrest isn’t a new phenomenon by any stretch, here’s two members of the New Black Panther Party all the way back in 2008 standing out front of a polling station, one with a billy club. (Photo Credit: Screenshot from Election Journal’s Video.)
I hate that we’re at this stage in the Republic. I’m worried that we’ve perhaps transitioned from “Elections have consequences” to “Elections ARE the consequence.” Have we substituted true democratic choice for inevcitable outcomes drive by devise ideologies and partisan rhetoric?
Where do we go from here?
- How are you handling election season?
- Are you voting early?
- Are you voting by mail?
- Are you dropping off a ballot in a drop-box?
- Are you planning to go to the polls on Election Day?
- Do you think we’re shaping up for greater election tension than 2020?
(Photo Credit: Stephen Maturen, Getty Images)
Or is this sense of malaise about the election simply a byproduct of the constant barrage of toxicity from the legacy media and social media? In an age where media amplifies every skirmish, discernment is crucial for all of us. Being prepared also means being media literate — knowing how to differentiate between sensationalist reporting and verified information to prevent unnecessary panic.
What would you change, if you could, about how voting and the Presidential elections are handled in the USA?
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